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If you are in search of a reliable and silent mode of transportation for your outdoor adventures, look no further than the HuntVe 4X4 electric UTVs. With their cutting-edge technology, dual direct drive motors, and commitment to sustainability, these vehicles offer a superior driving experience. Say goodbye to noisy and inefficient single motor UTVs and embrace the power and silence of a HuntVe. Get ready for an adventure like no other with HuntVe 4X4 products.
The HuntVe 4x4 line of electric and hybrid electric off road UTVs offer the highest quality and proven performance year after year. Using only the best of the best in structure and components, the HuntVe is built to last. Other manufacturers have cut corners and cost by using a single motor and noisy shaft drive system to drive their vehicles. The HuntVe uses dual direct drive motors that consistently deliver smooth quite power while never over powering a single motor. Word to the wise – don’t consider an electric 4x4 UTV that has only one motor.
HuntVe and its 72 volt electric system has the best in class electronic amp controller power, sound suppression, battery amp hour capacity and standard features. While others misrepresent their origin, the HuntVe is proudly hand crafted in Fort Worth, Texas from the ground up.
Because HuntVe only focuses on the all electric and hybrid electric UTV segment, there is no distraction by manufacturing in the high volume gas and diesel power market. There is no quarterly earnings reports of a large public company to direct company objectives and there is no comparison to the product quality and safe reliability of a HuntVe. Experience the great outdoors with the clean and quiet power of a HuntVe.